Post-2023 Election Scenarios in Turkey
China’s Digital Ambitions — A Global Strategy to Supplant the Liberal Order
AI-based technologies in hybrid conflict : The future of influence operations
tt Q&A
> How will cheap, abundant energy shape our future ?
> How did Republicans and Democrats
spend their money during 2022 midterm elections ?
> How do Chinese criminals
secretly move millions for Mexico cartels ?
> Is the quality of cocaine worse in the U.S. than in Europe ?
> How do Latin America’s
synthetic drug traffickers launder dirty cash ?
> What are the reasons behind
the EU’s inadequacy to create a European army ?
tt Q&A
> How US sanctions increased the economic activity
of sanctioned Russian firms ?
> Why America’s army can’t win America’s wars ?
> Why the future of cyber operations will be covert ?
> Why Austrian, Swedish, Finnish,
or any other model of neutrality are not suitable for Ukraine ?
> Just how sensitive are those Mar-a-Lago documents ?
> Spies, jurists, diplomats… and now the military.
Who influences decisions in Moscow ?